Books by ACSF Members

Sorted Alphabetically by Last Name

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Ardalan, Nader. Gulf Sustainable Urbanism, Towards a Sustainable Urbanism in the Gulf, Vol.1 (Digital). Hamid Bin Khalifa University Press, 2018.

Ardalan, Nader. Gulf Sustainable Urbanism, Towards a Sustainable Urbanism in the Gulf, Vol.2 (Digital). Hamid Bin Khalifa University Press, 2018.

Ardalan, Nader & Laleh Bakhtiar. Sense of Unity: The Sufi Tradition in Persian Architecture. Kazi Publications, 2001.


Barrie, Thomas. House and Home: Cultural Context, Ontological Roles. Routledge, 2017.

Barrie, Thomas, Julio Bermudez & Philip Tabb. Architecture, Culture, and Spirituality. Routledge, 2016.

Barrie, Thomas. The Sacred In-Between: The Mediating Roles of Architecture. Routledge, 2013.

Barrie, Thomas. Spiritual Path, Sacred Place. Myth, Ritual and Meaning in Architecture. Shambhala, 1996.

Bermudez, Julio. Transcending Architecture. Contemporary Views on Sacred Space. The Catholic University of America press, 2015.

Benedikt, Michael. God is the Good We Do. Theology of Theopraxy. Bottino Books, 2007.

Benedikt, Michael. For an Architecture of Reality. Lumen Books, 1992.

Benedikt, Michael. Deconstructing the Kimbell: An Essay on Meaning and ArchitectureSITES, 1992.

Bormida, Eliana. Arquitectura del Paisaje. Lariviere, 2013.

Britton, Karla. The Cathedral of Christ the Light: The Making of a 21st Century Cathedral. Hatje Cantz Publishers, 2012.

Britton, Karla. Ed. Constructing the Ineffable: Contemporary Sacred Architecture. New Haven, CT: Yale University School of Architecture, 2011.

Baek, Jin. Nothingness: Tadao Ando’s Christian Sacred Space. Routledge, 2009.

Bergman, Sigurd. Eschatology as Imaging the End. Faith Between Hope and Despair.  Routledge, 2018.

Bergmann, Sigurd & Forrest Clingerman. Arts, Religion, and The Environment: Exploring Nature’s Texture. Boston: Brill Rodopi, 2018.

Bergmann, Sigurd. In the Beginning is the Icon: A Liberative Theology of Images, Visual Arts and CultureRoutledge, 2016.

Bergmann, Sigurd. Religion, Space, and The Environment. Transaction Publishers, 2014.

Bergmann, Sigurd. Theology in Built Environment:  Exploring Religion, Architecture, and Design. Transaction Publishers, 2011.


Clausén, Marie. Sacred Architecture in a Secular Age: Anamnesis of Durham Cathedral, Routledge, 2016.

Crosbie, Michael J. Pelli: Life in Architecture. Images Publishing Dist, 2019.

Crosbie, Michael J., Buzz Yudell & John Rubble. The Future of Place: Moore Ruble Yudell. ORO Editions, 2011.

Crosbie, Michael J. Seeking the Sacred in Contemporary Religious Architecture . The Kent State University Press, 2010.

Crosbie, Michael J. Multi-Family Housing: The Art of Sharing. Images Publishing Dist, 2006.

Crosbie, Michael. Architecture for the Gods. Watson-Guptill, 2000.

Crosbie, Michael J. & Steve Rosenthal. Architecture Counts. John Willey & Sons, 1993.

Crowe, Norman & Laseau, Paul. Visual Notes for Architects and Designers.  Wiley, 2006.

Crowe, Norman. Nature and the Idea of a Man-Made World. The MIT Press, 1997.

Campo Baeza, Alberto. The Built Idea. Oscar Riera Ojeda Publishers, 2015.

Campo Baeza, Alberto. Principia Architectonica. Editorial Nobuko, Madrid , 2014.

Campo Baeza, Alberto and Jauze Colette. Campo Baeza (Contemporary World Architects). Rockport Pub, 1997.

Coates, Gary J. Erik Asmussen, architect.  Byggförlaget, 1997.

Coates, Gary J. Ed., Resettling America: Energy, Ecology and Community.  Brick House Publishing Co., 1981.

Coates, Gary J. Ed. Alternative Learning Environments. Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, Inc., 1974.

Cox, Harvey. How to Read the Bible. HarperOne, 2016.

Cox, Harvey. The Market as God. Harvard University Press, 2016.

Cox, Harvey.  The Secular City. Princeton University Press, 2013.

Cox, Harvey. The Future of Faith. HarperOne, 2009.

Cranz, Galen. Ethnography for Designers. Routledge, 2016.

Cranz, Galen. The Chair: Rethinking Culture, Body, and Design. W.W. Norton & Company, 2000.


Fernández-Cobián, Esteban, Ed. Architectural Actions on the Religious Heritage after Vatican II. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholar Publishing, 2021.

Fernández-Cobián, Esteban. Arquitectura Religiosa Del Siglo XXI En España. A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña, 2020.

Fernández-Cobián, Esteban. Precisiones sobre arquitectura religiosa contemporánea. Buenos Aires: Diseño, 2016.

Fernández-Cobián, Esteban & Luis Burriel-Bielza. Le Corbusier, Proyectos Para la Iglesia CatólicaBuenos Aires: Diseño, 2015.

Fernández-Cobián, Esteban, Ed. Between Concept and Identity. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholar Publishing, 2014.

Fernández-Cobián, Esteban. Escritos sobre arquitectura religiosa contemporánea. Buenos Aires: Diseño, 2013.

Fernández-Cobián, Esteban, Ed. Arquitecturas de lo sagrado. Memoria y proyecto. A Coruña: Netbiblo, 2009. (Download this book Here)

Fernández-Cobián, Esteban. El espacio sagrado en la arquitectura española contemporánea. Santiago de Compostela: Colexio Oficial de Arquitectos de Galicia, 2005.

Fernández-Cobián, Esteban, Ed. Fray Coello de Portugal, Dominico y ArquitectoMadrid: Fundación Antonio Camuñas/San Esteban, 2001.

Fernández-Cobián, Esteban. A Coruña. Guía de arquitectura. A Coruña: Colexio Oficial de Arquitectos de Galicia, 1998.


Geva, Anat. Modernism and American Mid 20th Century Sacred ArchitectureRoutledge, 2018.

Geva, Anat. Frank Lloyd Wright’s Sacred Architecture: Faith, Form and Building Technology. Routledge, 2011.

Ghirardo, Diane. Aldo Rossi and the Spirit of Architecture. Yale University, 2019.

Ghirardo, Diane. Italy: Modern Architectures in History. Reaktion Books, 2013.

Ghirardo, Diane. Architecture After Modernism. Thames and Hudson, 1997.

Gitler, Inbal Ben-Asher & Geva, Anat. Israel as a Modern Architectural Experimental Lab, 1948–1978. Intellect, 2020


Iliescu, Sanda. The Hand and the Soul: Aesthetics and Ethics in Architecture and Art. University of Virginia Press, 2009.


Jacks, Ben. A House and Its Atmosphere. Culicidae Architectural Press, 2017.

Joy, Rick. Studio Joy Works, Hudson, NY: Princeton Architectural Press, 2018.

Joy, Rick. Desert Works. Hudson, NY: Princeton Architectural Press, 2002.

Jones, Susan. Mass Timber: Design and Research. ORO Editions, 2018.

Jones, Lindsay. The Hermeneutics of Sacred Architecture: Experience, Interpretation, Comparison. Volume 1: Monumental Occasions: Reflections on the Eventfulness of Religious Architecture.  Centre for the Study of World Religions, 2000.

Jones, Lindsay. The Hermeneutics of Sacred Architecture: Experience, Interpretation, Comparison. Volume 2: Hermeneutical Calisthenics: A Morphology of Ritual-Architectural Priorities.  Centre for the Study of World Religions, 2000.


Kahera, Akel, Latif Abdumalik and Craig Anz. Design Criteria for Mosques and Islamic Centers: Art, Architecture and Worship. Architectural Press, 2009.

Kahera, Akel Ismail. Deconstructing the American Mosque: Space, Gender, and Aesthetics. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2002.

Kavanaugh, Leslie. Earth Sky. Studiokav, 2015.

Kavanaugh, Leslie. The Architectonic of Philosophy: Plato, Aristotle, Leibniz. Amsterdam University Press, 2007.

Krinke, Rebecca. Contemporary Landscapes of Contemplation. Routledge, 2005.


Ladd, Kevin L & Bernard Spilka. The Psychology of Prayer: A Scientific Approach. The Guilford Press, 2012.

Leatherbarrow, David E. Building Time: Architecture, event, and experience, London: Bloomsbury Press, 2020            

Leatherbarrow, David E & Richard Wesley. Three Cultural Ecologies, Routledge, 2018

Leatherbarrow, David E. Twentieth-Century Architecture, The Companions to the History of Architecture, volume 4co-edited with Alexander Eisenschmidt, Wiley-Blackwell, 2017

Leatherbarrow, David. Topographical Stories: Studies in Landscape and Architecture. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2015.

Leatherbarrow, David E. Architecture Oriented Otherwise, New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2009.

Leatherbarrow, David & Mohsen Mostafavi. On Weathering: The Life of Buildings in Time. MIT Press, 1993.

Lindstrom, Randall S. Kenosis Creativity Architecture: Appearance through Emptying. London: Routledge, 2021.

Lindstrom, Randall S. Creativity and Contradiction: European Churches Since 1970. Washington, DC: American Institute of Architects Press, 1988.

Longhi, Andrea. Storie di chiese storie di comunita. Gangemi Editore International Publishing. 2017.

López Arias, Fernando. Corso di Teologia e Architettura dello spazio liturgico. Artemide, Roma, 2020.

López Arias, Fernando. Proyectar el espacio sagrado: Que es y como se construye una iglesia. EUNSA, 2018.

López Arias, Fernando. Espacio Litúrgico. Centre de Pastoral Liturgica. Barcelona, 2016.

López Arias, Fernando. Projetar o espaço sagrado: O que é e como se constrói uma Igreja. Edições CNBB, Brasilia, 2016.


Mann, A.T. & Lynn Davis. Sacred Landscapes: The Threshold Between Worlds. Sterling, 2010.

Mann, A.T. Sacred Architecture. Vega, 2003.

Mical, Thomas. Architectural Theory: What Comes After Transparency? Springer, 2019.

Mical, Thomas & Wouter Van Acker. Architecture and Ugliness: Anti-Aesthetics and the Ugly in Postmodern Architecture. Bloomsbury visual Arts, 2019.

Mical, Thomas. Specifying Ambient Worlds: Architecture, Music and Minimalism. Routledge, 2018.

Mical, Thomas. Doorknob. Bloomsbury Academic, 2017.

Mical, Thomas. Surrealism and Architecture. Routledge, 2004.


Pallasmaa, Juhani & ‎Matteo Zambelli. Inseminations: Seeds for Architectural Thought. Wiley 2020.

Pallasmaa, Juhani. & Sarah Robinson. Mind in Architecture. Neuroscience, Embodiment, and the Future of Design.  MIT Press, 2015.

Pallasmaa, Juhani. Encounters1: Architectural Essays. Rakennustieto Publishing, 2013.

Pallasmaa, Juhani. Encounters 2: Architectural Essays. Rakennustieto Publishing, 2013.

Pallasmaa, Juhani. Eyes of the Skin: Architecture and the Senses. Wiley, 2012.

Pallasmaa, Juhani. The Thinking Hand: Existential and Embodied Wisdom in Architecture. Wiley, 2009. 

Pérez-Gómez, Alberto. Attunement. Architectural Meaning After the Crisis of Modern Science. MIT press, 2016.

Pérez-Gómez, Alberto. Built upon Love: Architectural Longing after Ethics and Aesthetics. MIT Press, 2006.

Pérez-Gómez, Alberto. Architecture and the Crisis of Modern Science. MIT Press, 1983.

Price, Travis & Wade Davis. The Mythic Modern: Architectural Expeditions into the Spirit of PlaceORO editions, 2011.

Price, Travis. Archeology of Tomorrow. Earth Aware, 2006.

Portugali, Nili. A Holistic Approach to Architecture — The Felicja Blumenthal Music Center and Library. Am Oved, 2011.

Portugali, Nili. The Act of Creation and the Spirit of a Place. Edition Axel Menges, 2006.


Reeder, Linda. Net Zero Energy Buildings: Case Studies and Lessons Learned. Routledge, 2016.

Robinson, Julia. Institution and Home: Architecture as a Cultural Medium. Techne Press, 2008.

Rios Vizcarra, Gonzalo & Carlos Zeballos Velarde. Poetica de un Mundo Habitado. Universidad Catolica de Santa Maria, 2018.


Seamon, David. Life Takes Place: Phenomenology, Lifeworlds, and Place Making. Routledge, 2018.

Seamon, David. A Geography of the Lifeworld: Movement, Rest and Encounter. Routledge, 2016.

Seamon, David & Anne Buttimer. The Human Experience of Space and Place. Routledge, 2016.

Seamon, David & Arthur Zajonc. Ed. Goethe’s Way of Science: A Phenomenology of Nature. State University of New York Press, 1998.

Seamon, David, Ed. Dwelling, Seeing and Designing: Toward a Phenomenological Ecology. State University of New York Press, 1993.

Silvestrin, Claudio. Claudio Silvestrin’s Timeless Italian Style Architecture Design Philosophy. Design Media Publishing Ltd, 2017.

Silvestrin, Claudio. The Non-Materiality of the Material. Turin, 2011.

Silvestrin, Claudio. Eye Claudio. Booth-Clibborn, 2002.

Sinha, Amita. Cultural Landscapes of India: Imagined, Enacted, and Reclaimed. University of Pittsburgh Press, 2020. 


Tabb, Philip. Elemental Architecture, Temperaments of Sustainability. Routledge, 2018.

Tabb, Philip. Serene Urbanism: A biophilic theory and practice of sustainable placemaking. Routledge, 2018.

Tabb, Philip & A. Senem Deviren. The Greening of Architecture: A Critical History and Survey of Contemporary Sustainable Architecture and Urban Design. Routledge, 2014.

Terian, Sara Kärkkäinen. Positive Prejudice as Interpersonal Ethics. Landham, MD: Lexington Books, subsidiary of Rowman & Littlefield, 2020.


Vosko, Richard S. Art and Architecture for Congregational Worship: The Search for a Common Ground. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2019.

Vosko, Richard S. God’s House Is Our House: Re-Imagining the Environment for Worship. Collegeville, Minn.: Liturgical Press, 2006. (Award for best book in liturgy category from US and Canada Catholic Press Association).

Vosko, Richard. Designing Future Worship Spaces: The Mystery of a Common Vision. Chicago, Ill.: Liturgy Training Publications, 1996.

Vosko , Richard , Through the Eye of a Rose Window: A Perspective on the Environment for WorshipSaratoga, California: Resource Publications, 1981.